Slim M-Lok handguard 12 "- diameter...
Payment methods:
Cash on delivery
The most popular and most used way to pay for goods. We send shipment orders virtually upon receipt of the order because you do not have to wait for confirmation of non-cash payments. You pay for goods when delivering carriers and most often in cash. The service can be used only when sending packages in the Czech Republic.
Bank wire transfer
You can pay your goods in advance using a bank transfer. This method of payment for goods is the cheapest but on the other hand also the slowest. Based on your order, we will send you a bank transfer instruction by email and, after crediting the payment to our account, will ship the ordered goods in the required manner.
Payment by credit card
Online card payment is a type of internet payment in which the customer pays the target amount using a payment card through a payment gateway. The customer enters the card number, validity date and CVC code from the back of the card into the payment gateway interface. The service can be used only when sending packages in the Czech Republic.
Payment by credit card at the dispenser
You can pay for the goods by credit card at the dispenser. This form of payment for goods is the cheapest and fastest. Based on your payment for received goods, we will send you a confirmation of payment and billing by e-mail or by sms.